Meditate or Medicate…

Meditating dogDid you know 15 minutes of meditation is the same as 2 hours sleep? Not only does meditation promote healing, it allows you to connect to your higher self for guidance. It is the key to Spiritual connection, bringing peace, balance and harmony into our very hectic, connected world. So Meditate or Medicate…the choice is yours!

Think you can’t meditate? I bet you already do and just don’t know it. Guided meditation is the easiest way for you to get started and get over the idea that meditation is about ’emptying your mind”. Meditation is as easy as watching t.v or listening to the radio. To read more Meditation Myths click here.

Meditation is what takes you from chaos to calm, and from surviving into thriving. Why not give it a go? What have you got to lose?

Soul Healing Meditation App for iPhone & Android

App logoLook for this symbol in the Apple Store or search Soul Healing and find this meditation App, which is designed specifically to introduce you to guided meditation and to inspire you to live a more connected life through connection to your higher Self, your Soul. Once downloaded, you have constant access to 8 meditations on the go or while lying in bed before sleep.

This App is designed to inspire you to live a more connected life through meditation. In this App you will find 8 Guided Meditations between 20 and 30 minutes in duration.

These meditations are designed to help you to create peace, calm and Spiritual connection. The purpose of this App is twofold. Firstly, I want to teach you that you CAN meditate using guided meditation as a technique. Secondly, I want you to have access to your own guidance system, be that through connecting to your Soul or Higher Self, or connecting to your Spirit Guides and other Spirit entities. These are the meditations used in my Spiritual Connection For Every Day Life Courses and are suitable for beginners through to advanced meditators.

As you move through these meditations you may find your Psychic and Medium skills begin to open and strength. Meditation is the key to opening up as a channel for Spirit and as with all new learnings, practice makes perfect.

The answers you seek to most of life’s questions reside within you. Spiritual connection is available to all so enjoy these meditations as often as you like. Go from chaos to calm, not just surviving but thriving. Meditation is the best medication you can use.

 For more more information on Meditation go to Myth Busting Meditation or click Meditation: The best medication you will ever find.

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Full Body Relaxation

Meditation is great for depression, anxiety, stress reduction, sleep disorders, heart and lung problems, blood pressure, PMS, mental health issues, a range of emotional disorders, lack of motivation, loss of self, low self-esteem, addiction, feelings of Spiritual disconnection, creating a connection to Self and Spirit and Spiritual and Psychic Development.

The “Full Body Relaxation Meditation” is designed to assist you to learn where you hold your stress and create relaxation. The aim is to teach you to calm your body, mind and emotions leading to greater wellness and also put you into a space where you can start to listen to your body and emotions and honour their needs.

WARNING! This meditation will make you fall asleep! If you are having trouble falling asleep, I guarantee you won’t make it to the end of this relaxation meditation without dozing off. Listen to this meditation while laying in bed at night. Let me know how you go.

And don’t worry if you fall asleep when you first start meditating, It’s your body’s way of saying “Hey, I need to catch up on rest and heal, you’ve been hard on me all these years!”. When you are ready, try meditating first thing in the morning AFTER you’ve had a restful sleep. Click the link below to listen to a sample of this meditation. To download the full version, click the App store icon and search “Soul Healing”. Happy relaxing!!!

Full body Relaxation Meditation

by Emma Skeggs

Grounding Meditation

Grounding (or earthing) is the process of cleaning your energy. We are all made up of energy, and our energetic system extends way beyond your physical body to include your aura. Your aura can extend up to 3 or 4 metres past your physical body boundaries. We all pick up on others energy. Sometimes, this energy ‘sticks’ to you and you bring it home with you. This is especially true of Empaths, who feel EVERYTHING around them. Being super sensitive, Empaths tend to ‘take on’ other people stuff and get confused with their emotional states. Usually, this is because the emotions they are trying to process are not their own.

Knowing you have an energetic body (aura) that is like an antenna, that mixes and mingles with the energy of others, you will understand the importance of cleaning, renewing and refreshing your energy on a regular basis.

This grounding Mediation will assist you in connecting to Earth, dumping that which is not your own, bringing new fresh energy into your system. To listen to the Grounding Meditation, click the link below.

Chakra Cleansing & Activating Meditation

The Chakra Meditation works with your energetic system to connect you to Universal Energy for vitality and healing. This meditation is also beneficial for preparing you for connection to your Soul and Spirit.

Do you know what Chakras are? Throughout your body there are energy channels which run the full length of your body in what is called a nadis. Where many nadis cross, a Chakra is formed. So simply put, a Chakra is just a ‘hub’ of energy. Each Chakra corresponds to a different part of your body. As energy flows around your body, it sometimes get blocked. And sometimes it flows too fast. This can create dis-ease on a physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual level.

This meditation is designed to get your Chakras open, balanced, energised and activated. It’s an important step in Spiritual connection. To listen to the Chakra Meditation, click the link below.

 Inner Sanctuary Meditation

The Inner Sanctuary Meditation is designed to assist you to create relaxation. Using your wonderful imagination, you will be guided to create an inner sanctuary, filled with all the things you love. Each time you listen to this meditation, you can recreate your sanctuary or create a new one. Perhaps you love both the beach and the forest? Why not create two inner sanctuary’s?

Once you have created this sacred place, you may return here whenever you wish, just by closing your eyes and imagining yourself walking towards the locked gate. To listen to this meditation, click the link below.

 Morning Meditation

The “Morning Meditation” is great to start your day. Once you feel comfortable with your ability to relax into meditation, connect to the four elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth for relaxation and healing. This meditation is ideal for setting your intentions for the day. It also assists you in letting go of old emotions and bringing joy, happiness and bliss in to your life. To listen click below.

Soul Temple

Ready to connect to your Higher Self, or Soul? Soul Temple Meditation takes you on a journey to meet your Soul where you may connect to your own inner wisdom. You will be invited to ask questions of yourself and use your own inner guidance to construct a life you desire. To listen Click below

Meet Your Guides Meditation

We all have a Spirit Guide team and they are there waiting for you to invite them into your life. They are here to help you on your life journey, you need only ask for their assistance. Listen to Meet Your Guides Meditation, and invite their guidance into your life.

Channeling Meditation

Spiritual Development involves learning to create connections to Spirit, learning to trust these connections and understand that you are in control of your energetic space. The Channeling Meditation is designed to help you connect with Spirit entities.

As you move through these meditations you may find your Psychic and Mediumship skills begin to open and strength. Meditation is the key to opening up as a channel for Spirit and as with all new learnings, practice makes perfect. to listen to this meditation click below.

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