Today I want to talk to you about Past Life Regression. I have had heaps of people inquire as to whether this is something that would help them right now.

Past Life Regression is a journey to meet your Soul. During a PLR session, you will see you have lived many times before and that your current life is just a small ‘chapter’ in your Souls journey.

People who experience Past Life Regression find answers to all manner of questions and experience profound healing and peace. Even after having conducted hundreds of sessions, I am still amazed by the process and left in awe of us as unique Soul’s.

time spinning

To help explain how PLR can be of benefit, I want to share with you a client’s story about their PLR experience. As is normal, Spirit sends little nudges to people about what they need right now and this was true for my client Mandy (name changed to protect privacy). While chatting about normal life stuff, for some reason (hint, hint from Spirit), Past Life Regression came into the conversation. Mandy expressed an interest in having a session to discover the dynamics of her relationship with her mother. Being like chalk and cheese, Mandy and her mother have experienced quite a tumultuous relationship over the years.  We booked a date for a few weeks’ time and Mandy was excited to learn more about the “why” of her relationship with her mum.

When the date arrived however, Mandy cancelled. Life was happening for her, as it tends to do for most of us, and she just wasn’t ready. No stress, we rescheduled for the next week. Mandy had to rescheduled four times before she finally made it onto my couch! I knew that Divine timing was at play here and it would happen when it was meant to happen and that the true reasons for the delay would become apparent in time.

The day of her appointment came and Mandy nearly cancelled again. She was due to sign divorce papers the next day and emotionally, physically and psychologically she was a wreck. Was she doing the right thing? How did she know it was the right thing? What if she made a mistake again? Her partner choices in the past had been less than ideal and getting out of these bad relationships was an even more traumatic experience. Luckily Mandy had done some other work with me and was in touch with her intuition. She felt the nudge to come anyway and following her gut she bravely arrived ready to dive in to explore her mother/daughter relationship.

Mandy arrived in a state of nerves, not knowing what to expect from the session and wondering if she was going to be able to concentrate. It was obvious that her relationship issues with her mum were the least of her worries right now and after a few minutes of chatting, we decided to explore her relationship with her soon to be Ex-husband instead. Below are excerpts from Mandy’s PLR session. Watch as the process unfolds, understanding is obtained and the healing begins!

Regression works by accessing your subconscious (higher self or Soul) which records your past life and Soul memories. Your Soul knows everything you have experienced in the many lives you have lived, as well as your between life (while not incarnated) stages. All this information is available for you and can be accessed through PLR.  By inducing a relaxed state, your mind can slow down from your day to day thinking, allowing you to see, feel and learn from your Soul memories.

3rd and 4th DimensionsDuring a session, you may go to a memory in your current life or to a memory in a past life. This will depend on the intention set for the session and your Soul knows exactly what it needs to share. Once we establish an intent, we allow your Soul to guide you where you need to go. You might even get to visit a life between lives, which is the area I refer to as ‘home’.

Usually you will go to more than one memory or lifetime. You will be guided to view significant events in the lifetimes you recall and we will gather information to facilitate a healing for you. It is possible that during the session you have a spiritual experience. Sometimes this means a guide or passed over loved one comes to communicates with you. We always go with what you are given as your Soul knows what will benefit you most at the stage of life you seek regression.

As you will see, Mandy experienced four lifetimes, each holding information relating to her experiences with partner relationships. Each life revealed a little bit more of the puzzle that explained her current life experiences of partner relationships. And the healing began instantly.

Mandy’s intentions for the session were to explore (1) the dynamics of her relationship with soon to be Ex-husband, (2) why she feels uncertain about making decisions when it comes to men, (3) why she can’t trust her decision-making abilities in this life and (4) to explore why she is unable to have loving, fulfilling partner relationships in this lifetime.

Any fear of not being able to relax and enter a past life soon disappeared once Mandy arrived in her first life. Barefoot on sand, with long dark straight hair (Mandy is a beautiful blond) and a sundress, Mandy was a female of about aged 30. She lived in a village of huts made of sticks with straw roofs and dirt floors. Her name was Malika and she lived alone with no children, having never been married.

Going back to last time she was with her mother. Malika tells me she was a girl of about 8 years working in the kitchen with her mother. Her mother looked like an Islander, loved her dearly and looked after her well. Malika’s father, Mandy recognised as her current life father, David. Often we incarnate with the same Souls.

An event happens where the village is attacked and nearly everyone in the village is murdered. Malika loses her whole family and is left to fend for herself. Other villagers who survived came to look after her and became her new family, although she took care of herself for the remainder of her life. Independently, Malika did everything for herself, accepting that she would remain alone for her entire life, even though the other villagers didn’t agree with her decision. Malika didn’t want to get hurt by losing anyone else she loved and so rejected all partner relationships that came her way. At her death scene, Malika dies surrounded by the villagers who treasure her.

Once Malika had passed we call back the part of her Soul that was Malika to receive any messages that are important for Mandy to know right now. During regression, you will go through your death scene for that life, although you will view it with a detached interest. You won’t feel the pain of passing should it be traumatic. The part of Mandy that was Malika, tells Mandy, “There is nothing to be scared about. I am happy with the life I lived. My only regret was not having children of my own, (Mandy has children in this life) but I am proud of how I survived. I was treasured most days of my life and grateful for the life I lived. You (Mandy) can manage by yourself and you can have a good life by yourself. You are stronger that you think. Don’t doubt your choices and know it is going to be okay no matter what you do. Enjoy every moment as it does eventually end.”

Later while processing through her life as Malika, Mandy she tells me she has a fear of being on her own and as such, tends to jump into relationships with the “wrong” men. She now knows if she remains alone for the rest of this life, she will be just fine. She has children and is glad for having them but being in a relationship isn’t necessary to her happiness.

In the next life Mandy’s Soul sent her to outback Australia. She landed in a life as a 12 year old girl, with long reddish brown hair and freckles. With tattered, hand-me-down boots, she lived in an old country house, with six younger brothers and sisters, a father who was away a lot and a mother who “ruled the house”. Being the oldest, Annie was responsible for watching out for the younger kids. Her mother, she recognised has her current life mother, Shirley. Her mum is not happy. She is “pissed off” as she is always home alone with the kids while her husband goes off to work. Mandy recognised her father as her current life son, Daniel. Annie tells me she feels grown up and very responsible for the younger children. She also notes her mother isn’t happy in this life either. Notice that although we set an intention for partner relationships, Mandy’s Soul has thrown in some mother stuff too, including details about the relationship Annie’s mother has with Annie’s father. Our parent’s relationships are always the first examples of partner relationship we have and as such are extremely important in developing our own beliefs and concepts concerning love relationships.

Skipping forward to a significant event in this life as Annie, we find a scene where Annie’s parents are arguing. The little kids are hiding and Annie is scared. Her father is trying to do what he thinks is right by leaving the family home for extended periods of time to work, but doesn’t realise what he leaves behind when he goes to work. The fight escalates, getting violent and Annie is sent to bed. She is afraid to go as she is worried her mum will disappear. (I wonder if Mandy has concerns about being abandoned when things get tough in relationships?). In the morning, as Annie suspected, her mother is gone and her father is left to take care of the family. Annie doesn’t know where she has gone but she never sees her again. With her mother gone, Annie becomes even more responsible for the family. Her father eventually finds a new wife who is far from a great mother figure and resents the children. Mandy recognises the new wife as one of her current life sisters.

At school Annie throws herself into her school work and begins to write fictional stories about life in the outback. She makes them up as being much nicer than her real life, creating a world in which she wished she lived. She wins prizes for her writing. She meets a boy at school named Michael (Mandy identifies him as someone she worked with and dated for a while in this life). He is kind to her and as an only child with adoring parents, he shares his books with Annie. They share a love of writing and storytelling. Michael falls in love with Annie but Annie was only interested in a friendship. When he marries someone else, she is upset but understands she didn’t love him the way he needed her to and it was right to let him move on. Annie tells me he was an amazing person and a “Soul friend”, not a Soul Mate (Nice awareness from Annie here about love and connections, right?).

footprints-in-sandMoving forward in this life, Mandy discovers that Annie kept herself tied to her family responsibilities and afraid to follow her dreams of becoming a writer. She dies around aged 30, having never married. She was knocked down in the street by a horse and as she passes, she summarises her life.

I asked Annie how she felt about her life. She responds, “I wanted to do more with my life. I wasn’t ready to die and I am disappointed I didn’t follow my dream of becoming a writer. I lacked confidence in my writing. I am also disappointed in not having a family of my own. I never let myself have this, always putting everyone else’s needs before my own. While I am proud of the job I did raising my brothers and sisters, I wished I had stood up for myself more against my mother and later, my step mother (again a reference to mother/daughter relationships) and lived my own life. I wish I was braver and put myself first. Annie’s message to Mandy: “It’s okay to put yourself first. Be yourself, no matter what others think of you. Think about what it is you want and go for it, as life is over too quickly. You are doing a good job. You have done things in your life you love, even if you see them as mistakes. It’s better than not trying at all. Make decisions thinking about yourself and less about the other person. Trust yourself, it’s time to stop second guessing yourself and remember while you are alive, you always have hope.”

In later review, Mandy, who’s current works as a journalist, tells me she knows the frustration that comes with self-doubt as a writer. She can see where she hasn’t taken opportunities through indecision or from fear of making the wrong choice. She tells me she is no longer fearful of stepping into her power as a writer. In referring to her relationship wither mother, Mandy can see how she has not stood up for herself with her current life mother. Mandy feels more confident to do so now, knowing that she matters. She doesn’t have to make sure everyone else is fine and happy at the expense of her own happiness. With regards to partner relationships, she can now see that if the person isn’t the right person for her, it’s okay to let them go. She doesn’t need to lose herself to be loved by a partner. So much delicious learning and healing!

In her next life, Mandy gets to experience being a male. She lands in this life as a young man of 20 years named Derek. Already laying on the ground dying having received a head wound in battle, Derek is wearing the red coat of the British Army. I direct Derek to go to the last time he is with his mother (a technique used to take a person back in time when they land at their death scene). Derek goes back two years to when he was 18 and getting ready to leave for the Army. Mandy recognises Derek’s mother as her current life mother, Shirley. Derek notes that she is still not happy! Derek is telling his parents he is joining the Army and they are not happy about it at all. Derek’s father (recognised as Mandy’s current father, David) is a bookkeeper and wishes his son to remain in the family business. Derek is having nothing of this though. His girlfriend, Elizabeth, doesn’t want him to go either. (Mandy recognises Derek’s girlfriend as being the Soul that is her current life daughter, Cassie). Derek tells me – “With a beautiful Soul, she is petite, with long hair and so very kind and loving. She loves me and wants to be with me”. While he loves her, Derek doesn’t want to be “tied down”. He wants to join the Army, have some fun and then settle down later.

As we move past this scene, we find Derek at the Army training camp. It is dark, wet and cold. He is dirty and although he loves the training, he is very cold. He makes a friend named James, who is a prankster (Mandy recognises James as her current life best friend, Jean). Derek tells me he is more reserved while James is a “big clown and lots of fun to be around” (much like her current life friend Jean, your Soul has characteristics that last throughout many life times).

Soon Derek and James have finished training and are heading out as group to war. Derek is both excited and scared. In the next scene, we find Derek and James in the middle of a war. Derek is scared and there are men everywhere. This is where Derek is hit over the head by the enemy and dies.

While we review his life, Derek he tells me: “I didn’t want to die so soon. While I am proud of my Army work, I regret never telling Elizabeth of the love I had for her. I regret never marrying. I had fun with my friends and I thought it was an either/or choice. I didn’t need to miss out on love to follow my career.” Derek’s message to Mandy was: “You will know who is right for you when you meet them. You will just know it. You don’t need to second guess yourself. Don’t be upset with the choices you have made so far. These relationships have been a part of your destiny. I made a choice that lead to my death but I also found a friendship with James that I never would have experienced had I not made that choice. It doesn’t matter what choices you make, we all die eventually and will be reunited”.

Later Mandy tells me she tends to lose herself in relationships. She puts everything and everyone aside to be fully in the relationships, only to find herself lost later, wondering what happened. She can now see that she can be herself and be in a relationship. It’s not an either/or choice.

Between one life and the next, you are given an opportunity for some healing from the life that you just relived. Mandy’s Soul seemed to be in a hurry to arrive at the next life though and we were soon off on another journey. This time Mandy lands in Egypt as a 20 year old female named Jessabelle. She was being carried on a litter by servants, heading home past markets filled with people who were all staring at her. She was important and was accustomed to being stared at by everyone. She held a high position in society through her marriage and was considered something like a princess.  She behaved like one too, barely looking at the servants and having them do her bidding. “They were there to serve her after all”. Arriving home to a beautiful palace she notices the splendor surrounding her. An oasis in a desert, with tiled flooring, ornate fountains and statutes scattered around the grounds. Jessabelle remarks at how beautiful she is, just like her home, although her home was her prison and Jessabelle was very much a prisoner.

Egyptian PrincessJessabelle lives with her husband whom she dislikes immensely. “He is a cruel and powerful man”. Mandy recognises the Soul of her pharaoh husband as that of her soon-to-be Ex-husband, Damien. Jessabelle tells me, “he takes everything he wants. He is big, overbearing and intimidates everyone he meets. He is never satisfied. He chose me to be his wife and I thought I was lucky. At the time, I thought it was an honour. I thought I would have a blessed life. My husband is a ruler. He oversees a lot of people. He gets everything he wants but he is nasty. He was charming when we first met. All the girls wanted him because of what and who he was. It pleased my parents also, as it provided them with a better life once we were married. He is very controlling. He keeps me all to himself. I am trapped, alone and my youth and beauty is fading fast. I’ve lost my sparkle. I am constantly being watched. And as I am his wife, they are suspicious of me. People don’t really like him but they are afraid of him.”

As we progress to the next significant event Jessabelle describes what happens when she upsets him. “I’ve upset him. I am not being ornamental and silent. I’ve told him I am unhappy and he is putting me in my place. He is choking me. I can’t breathe. Someone hears my screams and comes into the room. He is pulled off me. No doubt they will pay for that later. My throat is raw and I hate him. I need to escape but I can’t see a way out. I have spoken to my parents but they can’t help me. My mother wants to help; she is sympathetic but she knows her place. They don’t see how bad it is for me.” Mandy recognise Jessabelle’s mother as her current life friend, Jean.

We move to the next scene and Jessabelle describes how she takes her own life. This is the only way she can see to end her misery. She uses a knife to cut herself. It hurts and she dies slowly and painfully. As she dies, Jessabelle has the experience of watching the scene after her body is found. A servant finds her many hours later, dead on the floor of her room. Chaos ensues as everyone goes into damage control. The servants are upset and crying. Her Pharaoh husband comes into the room and he too is very upset. He is bent over her body screaming. Jessabelle tells me she is surprised by how much he cares but regardless, she finally feels free.

When asked for the lessons from this life, Jessabelle states: “I did what I was supposed to do by marrying him but I didn’t know what I wanted. He chose me. There were great celebrations. It was like winning the world. My parents were going to be better off. I was going to be a princess with everything I had ever desired. I thought I loved him but he wasn’t who I though he was. I was in love with the idea of him and all he represented.” When asked about how she felt about her life Jessabelle says “I don’t hate myself for what I did or the choices I made. I didn’t know him and I didn’t think about who he really was. I got swept up in the glamour of it all. I thought he was something else. My life lesson was not to get swept up in everything but I did so I took charge and ended my life.” Jessabelle’s message to Mandy: “Don’t get so swept up that you give up everything. Go for it but be true to yourself and don’t sacrifice friends and family. You have done similar things as me, you have lost yourself. Stop this cycle. You know! You know better now. You don’t need to end your life to escape. You are strong, stronger than you will ever know. I admire you. You can have the jewels and beautiful things in life without sacrificing yourself. You are lucky you may divorce. Be grateful as you can get out of this with your life. I didn’t. You have lived this cycle many times and you have needed to so that you could work out what you really want in life. Be happy. I am happy for you.”

Mandy tells me later the biggest thing about this divorce was her doubt about her choice to go through with it. Her husband was offering the opportunity to start again. She could now see how he was never what she wanted but she got drawn into the world he was offering her. She had sacrificed to be with him. She had given herself away, lost herself. But he was manipulative from the start. Narcissistic, controlling and a bully. He lied, cheated and deceived her. He misrepresented who he was when they met and she could see the true character of him now. It was her choice to marry him and it was now her choice to divorce him. He was even being manipulative now, during the divorce, as he knew how to play her. He had threatened to take his own life should she end their relationship, saying he couldn’t live without her. She no longer felt like she didn’t have a choice. As she sat opposite him having a last lunch before signing the divorce papers (on his insistence, in case she changed her mind), she imagined him with his big pharaoh head dress and took her power back. She signed the papers and finally felt free, in control and no long in any doubt about any decision she had ever made or would ever make again.

Mandy had quite a journey. She found forgiveness for herself and her life choices. She understood her need to be in a relationship, any relationship, as she re-experienced how living alone had felt in other lifetimes. As Annie, she experienced a young death never having let herself be loved. She also learned the importance of following your dreams and stepping through fear to be all that you can be.

She also learned that being alone in this life wasn’t such a bad thing. She was strong and more than capable of finding joy for herself. As Malika she learned that she was treasured for who she was, not the relationships she endured.

As Derek she saw that she could have love and fun friendships. There was no need to sacrifice one for the other. Jessabelle taught her the lesson of having and making choices She understood why she sacrificed for relationships and how she gets ‘caught up’ in love for the wrong reasons and vows never to do this again in this lifetime. As a side note, Mandy is now happily dating again, taking her time to get to the real person and honouring her needs along the way.

Four months after her session, I invited Mandy to provide an account of her experience with Past Life Regression.

She writes, “I had been seeing Emma for readings for several years so always have an open mind. Hearing about past life regression I felt it was something I would like to experience but had no idea what it involved or how it worked. Originally I wanted to discuss the relationship with my mother as it has been tumultuous over the years but the focus took a different turn as I had become quite preoccupied with my upcoming divorce and issues around my Ex-husband and relationship choices, so asked Emma if we could focus on that instead.

I was incredibly nervous when I got to Emma’s house. Worried about how it all worked and even if I would be able to go under. My impression was it would be like hypnotism and I’ve always thought I probably couldn’t be hypnotised.

As it turned out I had nothing to worry about. From the moment I arrived Emma made me feel very comfortable. We sat and chatted for a while and she briefly described how the process works. I half reclined on a very comfortable couch and Emma went through techniques to get me to relax. I wasn’t hypnotised but rather in a calm and peaceful state with my eyes closed.

The journey I went on surprised me. After guiding me through a kind of meditation, taking me up into the sky and out of my current life, the first place I landed was an island. It was all so familiar. I was my soul that I am now but in a different life. I could see everything around me, where I lived, what my circumstances were and it was like visiting an old friend that I hadn’t seen for years.

I learnt so much about myself that I can now be aware of in this current life. I learnt that I was very self-sufficient and lived my life alone but surrounded by villagers who were my friends. I was much stronger than I have been in this current life. I knew what I wanted and stuck to it. It was incredibly empowering and I thank that young girl for reminding me how strong I am.

Each past life I revisited was very different but I knew it was my soul that I have now. Living in the outback as a young girl was another life. She had the heart and passion of a writer, the same as me, but never had confidence in her ability, which I also sometimes struggle with. She also never married although there was a man who loved her. Interesting as, in this life, I have been married twice but most of my past lives I remained single by choice. This was a huge epiphany for me now, reminding me that I don’t have to be with a man to be whole. All my past lives, apart from one, knew that they were enough without a partner. I loved that about my past selves. The one past life I did marry in was the regression that helped me the most dealing with my divorce. I had been married to a pharaoh whom I recognized as my ex-husband. He was overbearing and narcissistic and I escaped him by killing myself. This wonderful woman taught me that I was lucky to be able to divorce to have a way out of the nightmare. Her only escape was suicide. The next day when I met my ex-husband who was still trying to manipulate me, I was strong and dignified and kept imagining him in a pharaoh’s headdress. It was actually quite amusing.

Having past life regression has had an impact on me that I never expected. I feel like I know myself even better now. When you go back to these lives, it’s like going back to visit your best friend time and time again. Each of those people taught me something. They reminded me how strong I am. They helped me stand more in my own power, being more fully conscious of who I am now and who I have been.

Every day is better and I no longer have the doubts about myself. I know that I must be true to myself and now I know who that self really is at my core.

“Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” Mandy.

Stairs into mist

A Past Life Regression Therapy session assists you to improve your life. One session can eliminate physical, emotional and mental symptoms and allow you deep insight of your life purpose. You can release patterns of behavior which may be stopping you from moving forward and leading a fulfilling life or that are keeping you trapped making the same choice over and over again.

It is ideal to come to a session without expectations, with an open mind and trust that you will receive what is most relevant for your Soul growth. There is nothing to worry about, you are safe. The process is gentle and is very much like meditating. Whatever your lives have been, the ones you are reminded of will have residue which is affecting your current life. There is no telling to which life time you will go to, the conditions of your life, or even if you will be male or female. By viewing significant events and making the connection to behaviours and emotions which affect you now, you will understand your life today better. This knowing allows you to release fears and patterns that keep you stuck and embrace talents that can improve your life.

Results can be achieved for many issues and areas including:

  • love
  • relationships
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • phobias and fears
  • guilt and shame
  • recurring dreams
  • eating disorders
  • self-esteem and confidence
  • physical pain and health
  • fertility
  • assertiveness

Is regression right for you? Call Emma to enquire on 0404 838 549.

To Book click here. Sessions available in person – Mornington, Victoria. Allow 2 hours for our session.

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